Baches & Holiday Homes
Choose A Transportable - Cheaper, Faster & Less Stress!
Quality Transportable Buildings For Your Holiday Home
When exploring options for building your Bach or holiday home, many people are surprised to discover transportable homes offer many advantages compared to building directly on your property.
Our traditional, architecturally designed homes will cater to your desired lifestyle needs through our range of 2 – 6 bedroom completed transportable homes. Transportation technology and building practices have come a long way in the last few years. You’ll be surprised by the size and style of our buildings. Once your new home has been delivered on-site you’ll never know it was a transportable building!
Our buildings can be connected to mains power/water/waste – or if these facilities are not available at your location we can connect to your on-site water/sewage tanks and arrange off-grid solar connections. Transportable homes provide ultimate flexibility and convenience for New Zealand holiday homes

We Can Deliver Them ANYWHERE In The North Island
Our skilled operators and high tech transport machinery can get buildings delivered even to the most remote and hard to access locations. We will confirm your sites access and suitability during our free consultation. Watch a video of our team transporting a house to it’s new location.

Transportable designs don’t need to be small, basic or boring
We offer a range of designs and sizes – including up to 6 bedrooms at 155m2. Combine this with cheaper build cost and faster turn around than a comparable ‘build-on-site’ project, transportable homes offer competitive alternative to a traditional build.
All our homes are build at the Advantage Designer Homes yard based in the central north island (Horotiu, Waikato). This allows us to build much faster than traditional building companies, with less travel time each day for our local builders, plumbers, electricians, painters etc.
Due to the large volume of houses we build, our subcontractors are very responsive, limiting downtime between steps in the building process. This is a huge advantage compared to trying to manage different tradesmen to arrive for on-site building.

Our streamlined process not only allows us to build faster than traditional on-site builders, but those time savings also result in cost-savings for our clients!
Less daily travel, less down time between trades, bulk supplies delivered to our yard, repeated designs and process all add up to give you the best price for your new holiday home.
Many of New Zealand’s remote holiday destinations are limited by the number of builders and tradesmen available in the area. Choosing a transportable home can save a lot of time and money avoiding delays and in these overly competitive regions.
The ADH house building yard is only 5 minutes north of Hamilton, close to a wide variety of suppliers and tradesmen, and central to delivering homes all over the north island.

Our skilled operators and high tech transport machinery can get buildings delivered even to the most remote and hard to access locations across the north island. We will confirm your sites access and suitability during our free consultation. See the video of our house transport team in action!
Check out our
Choosing your design is one of the most exciting stages of building a new home. Our show home and yard are based in Horotiu, and are a great way to visualise your new home and help choose your customisations. Our show home is available for walk-in viewings between 10am – 2pm Mon – Sat, Or or by appointment between 9am – 4pm 7 days a week.
Receive a detailed summary of costs for your new home. This document includes the cost of the home (ex Yard with CCC), An Estimate for Transport, Foundation, Insurance and Site Building Consent plus Indicative costs for Decks, Steps Handrails and base-boards, connections to on-site services and more!